[15.03.2019] XINFAB NEW RULES
Hello makers!
As you know by now XinFab will reopen and things are going to be a bit different from now on.
We will be running XinFab entirely by volunteers, this means there is no employee to open every day or be at your disposition. So, when coming to XinFab, we ask you to take care of the space, the machines, of yourself and also to contribute by helping each other and the space.
Here’s how it’s going to work for now (some things remain as before):
1_OPENING HOURS: XinFab will open only when volunteers are at the lab (this is mostly for your safety), and being only two volunteers right now, we will be opening to the members twice every week. Open on fixed days (for example Friday and Saturday) or if you get a 6-12 month membership you will get a key to the space.
2_TAKING CARE OF THE LAB: When you come to the Lab, leave the space as you found it before (organized), clean your mess and leave the tools in place. And we hope you know this already, but if you break anything you must either repair it yourself or buy the parts/equipment you broke.
3_USING THE EQUIPMENT: If you don’t know how to use a machine, come to a training workshop after that you can come and use the equipment by yourself.
4_THIS IS A DIY SPACE! When a volunteer is at the lab it doesn’t mean we are going to be behind you, we are here to make sure you don't set things on fire but remember this is a DIY space, so things are your own responsibility.
5_VOLUNTEERS, if you want to become one start by being active! contact us, tell us how you can help and make it happen! we need your help!
6_OPEN NIGHTS, we will hold them once every month or so. This night will not only be for people to come by, have a drink and take a look at the space, no! this night is also a moment for you to be active and help us either by fixing something, arranging the space, organizing events or whatever the space needs.
7_UPCOMING! SPECIAL PRICE FOR TRAINING: The next two months we will offer very low-cost training (30rmb/hour) so that you learn the basics on how to use the laser cutting machine, the 3D printers, and the power tools we have at XinFab. The idea of these workshops is that you learn how to use the machines so that then you can come and use the equipment by yourself, and/or help us to teach other members.
_50rmb DAILY PASS now you can come for a single day for 50rmb which includes 3 hours of laser cutting usage or you can use it as credits for 3D printing*. You also have access to the power tools and hand tools we have at the space.
_180rmb limited monthly credits* same deal as before, 180rmb=180credits that can be used either for 3D printing or Laser cutting machines.
_800rmb a month of unlimited access to the lab (24/7) to all the equipment (is mandatory that you take all the training courses for each machine)
_2000rmb half year unlimited access to the lab (24/7) to all the equipment (is mandatory that you take all the training courses for each machine)
*Laser cutting usage 1hour=35rmb (DIY)
*3D printing usage 1gram=2rmb (DIY)
If up until now you are feeling that there are too many rules or there are things that don't work out for you, then come to help us so that the list shortens and we make this Lab alive once again.
This is a nonprofit space that offers you the possibility to come and use machines to help you with your projects coming to life...give back the same life to XinFab by taking care of it and by contributing.
And last but not least, being part of this community means that you will also have the right to participate in the democratic decision-making of the lab.
Hope to see you soon, and thank you!
XinFab volunteers team
[14.02.2019] WE ARE BACK!
XinFab will re-open!
They say cats have 7 lives... we don't know about that but we are sure that XinFab has more than one.
If we count the lives we've used so far this would be the fourth one! so let's hope we don't have to use the other 3 lives any time soon...
Thanks to the support and great generosity KCLabs we've managed to survive once again!.
Not only we are going to REOPEN, but we are STAYING AT THE SAME LOCATION: Jing An District, Wuding Xi Road #1288, Room 302. With the only difference that our space will be a bit smaller than before so the Lab and its management will be rethought.
We have a big big heart but very limited resources, and although KCLabs is supporting us with the location, we are still struggling with fundings. It is being complicated to cover many costs, including the management of the Lab. So we will need as much support FROM YOU THE COMMUNITY as possible to keep running the space.
You are more than invited to participate and help us out.
We will update you soon, but be sure we are reopening during the month of February!
And as always, volunteers, help, support, and sponsors are more than welcome, just get in touch with us!
Thanks in advance!
[12.01.2019] THANK YOU 谢谢你们
Dear makers and friends,
As you all know, lately the road has not been easy for Xinfab. The past year was rough but we had the great luck to find a space who opened their doors for us and helped us hosting our lab for the past months. During this time we made incredible progress: growing number and diversity of activities, new and talented volunteers, adding many new friends and members of our community. Unfortunately, we were warned by our landlords during the end of the past month that they can no longer host us, as they need the space back. So it is with a heavy heart that we have to officially announce we will be closing our Lab at the end of January 2019.
We would like to give the biggest thank to everyone who has supported and believed in XinFab since its creation, and to all our community and volunteers who have helped us to keep running our space.
On a separate note, we would like to ask a last favour: we are open to the possibility of any company/particular sponsoring and hosting our lab and/or for any contributions for the logistics of the closure, so please get in touch with us.
And most importantly to all the creatives out there, never stop making and sharing.
The Xinfab Team
[31.12.2018] 2018 再见!2019 欢迎!
Hello Makers!
Have a good start of the year 2019, and may all your ideas and projects come to life!
We hope at XinFab we can give you a hand with some of them.
[22.12.2018] WINTER BREAK Opening & Closing dates | 开幕和结束日期
Hello Makers!
XinFab will be having a winter break. So if you need to make some last minute 3D printed or laser cut gifts then make sure to book the machines in advance.
Here is the calendar for the end of December and beginning of January:
Thursday 20th - OPEN(13:00-21:00)
Friday 21st- OPEN(13:00-21:00)
Saturday 22nd - OPEN (10.00-18.00)***
Thursday 27th - CLOSED
Friday 28th - CLOSED
Saturday 29th - CLOSED
Thursday 3rd - CLOSED
Friday 4th - CLOSED
Saturday 5th - CLOSED
Thursday 10th - OPEN(13:00-21:00) and BACK TO NORMAL!
***(SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22nd - 6.30pm to 9.00pm) FREE MOVIE NIGHT
(12月22日 - 6.30点到9.00点)免费电影之夜
[01.12.2018] ACTIVITIES CALENDAR: December 2018 | 活动日历:2018年12月
Hey makers, check out the activities that we are planning for the month of December!
Learn, fix, share and make!
Activities are subject to changes, so follow us on Wechat (add xin_fab or scan the QR code), follow us on Meetup or check our website to stay up to date.
(THURSAY, DECEMBER 13th - 7.30pm to 9pm) Making our things last longer: REPAIR DAY
(12月13日 - 7.30点到9.00点)聚会:修理日
(SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th - 1.30pm to 4.30pm) DIY WORKSHOP: 3D Printing & Cura Intro
(12月15日 - 1.30点到4.30点)DIY工作坊:3D打印和Cura介绍
(MONDAY, DECEMBER 17th - 6.30pm to 9.30pm) DIY WORKSHOP: Learn to laser cut & create jewelry
(12月17日 - 6.30点到9.30点)DIY工作坊:学习激光切割和创造珠宝
[20.10.2018] UPCOMING ACTIVITIES | 即将开展的活动
Hello Makers!
Here are some of the activities we are planning for the next weeks:
On Saturday 27th of October, we will be having a workshop intro to 3D PRINTING inspired by the "Día de Muertos".
(SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th - 1.30pm to 4.30pm) 3D Printing & Cura Intro Workshop with Pamela Martello
(10月27日 - 1.30点到4.30点) 介绍车间:3D Printing & Cura Intro Workshop
On Friday 2nd of November, we will be showing Episode 1 from the 1996 documentary "Triumph of the Nerds". Come for an after work movie night, meet other like-minded makers or makers to be, discuss the movie and grab a drink at our space.
If you want to join RSVP here (FRIDAY, 02 NOVEMBER - 7.30pm)MEETUP: Free movie night & makers networking
(11月02日 - 从下午7.30点 )MEETUP: Free movie night & makers networking
[20.09.2018] GOLDEN WEEK BREAK | 黄金周休息
Hello Makers!
XinFab will be closed during the Golden week, here is the calendar for the end of September and beginning of October:
Wednesday 26th - OPEN (13:00-21:00)
Thursday 27th - OPEN (13:00-21:00)
Friday 28th - CLOSED
Saturday 29th - CLOSED
*And this Saturday 22nd of September (Mid-Autumn Festival) we will be open from 10:00 until 21:00!!
Golden week 1st - 7th CLOSED
Thursday 11th - OPEN (13:00-21:00) and BACK TO NORMAL!
[08.09.2018] SEPTEMBER WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS | 9月工作坊和活动
Check out the activities that we are planning for the month of September!
Activities are subject to changes, so follow us on Wechat (add xin_fab or scan the QR code), follow us on Meetup or check our website to stay up to date.
Below are the full details of our activities. Details for all other events and workshops will be posted here soon (on Wechat and Meetup too), so stay tuned!
以下是本几个月活动详情。 所有其他活动和车间的细节将很快发布(在微信和Meetup上),敬请期待!
(SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 - 1pm to 4pm) DIY Workshop Photoshop-CREATIVE PROFILE with Daniel Cuesta
(9月15日 - 1点到4点) 介绍车间:DIY Workshop Photoshop-CREATIVE PROFILE
(FRIDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER - INTRO-Laser cutting training
(9月14日 - 从早上10点到1点) 介绍-激光切割培训
(SATURDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER - INTRO-Laser cutting training
(9月22日 - 从早上10点到1点) 介绍-激光切割培训
[21.07.2018] JULY WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS + AUGUST OPENING HOURS | 7月工作坊和活动+ 8月开放时间
These are the activities we will be holding during the end of the month of July. We'll most likely include more activities for the month of August. Activities are subject to changes, so follow us on Wechat (add xin_fab or scan the QR code), follow us on Meetup or check our website to stay up to date.
Below are the full details of our activities for the end of the month. Details for all other events and workshops will be posted here soon (on Wechat and Meetup too), so stay tuned!
这些是我们将在7月底举行的活动。 我们很可能会在8月份开展更多活动。 活动可能会有变化,所以在微信上跟随我们(加xin_fab或扫描QR码),在Meetup上跟随我们或检查我们的网站保持最新。
以下是我们月底活动的全部细节。 所有其他活动和车间的细节将很快发布(在微信和Meetup上),敬请期待!
(SATURDAY-SUNDAY, JULY 21,22,28 and 29 - 10am to 3/4pm) REVIT ARCHITECTURE COURSE with Alexandros Economou
(7月21,22,28,29日 - 10点到3/4点) 介绍车间:REVIT ARCHITECTURE COURSE
(SATURDAY, 28 JULY - 11am to 2pm) DIY Workshop: Blind contour drawing+engraving
(7月28日 - 从早上11点到2点) DIY Workshop:Blind contour drawing+engraving
(MONDAY, 30 JULY - 7.30pm)MEETUP: RenewMaterial straw-based wood alternative
(7月30日 - 从下午7.30点 )MEETUP: RenewMaterial straw-based wood alternative
During the month of August we will have a short break. Below are the opening and closing dates:
在八月份,我们将有一个短暂的休息时间。 以下是开始和结束日期:
2-3-4/08 (8月2-3-4日) - Closed(关闭)
9/08 (8月9日) - Closed (关闭)
10-11/08 (8月10-11日) - Open (打开)
16-17/08 (8月16-17日) - Closed(关闭)
18/08 (8月18日) - Open (打开)
23/08 (8月23日) - Back to normal (Thursday-Friday 1pm-9pm, Saturday 10am-6pm) 回正常时间(星期四到星期五从下午1点到9点, 周六上午10点至下午6点)
[21-29.07.2018] REVIT ARCHITECTURE COURSE - beginners level
Join architect Alexandros Economou for the REVIT ARCHITECTURE Course for beginners (CLICK HERE FOR INFO) this month of July.
Learn what is BIM and how and why Revit Architecture is the perfect tool in the industry.
This beginners course aims to explain step by step the basic elements of the interface, and commands in order to understand in depth basic to advanced concepts in Revit.
Throughout the course, Alexandros will guide you and share with you his experience using Revit. Using practical examples, you will learn how to model a house and discover what is Datum, view specific and model elements. Understand the way Revit differs from 3D modeling programs and what are the differences in CAD and BIM and concepts like conceptual massing and families.
By the end of the course, you will have the basic building blocks in order to achieve more complex tasks and have a firm grasp of the program basics. The lesson will be taught in Metric system measures.
Your dedication is key. We invite you to take notes during the course and to practice after the lessons with some homework and maximize your takeaway from the course.
[07.07.2018] INTRO WORKSHOP: 3D Printing & Cura
(SATURDAY, 07 JULY - 13.30 to 15.30) INTRO WORKSHOP: 3D Printing & Cura with Danny Kuo
(7月7日 - 下午13.30点到15.30点) 介绍车间:3D打印和Cura
Join product designer and maker Danny Kuo at Xinfab next Saturday 7th of July to learn how to use XinFab's printers, setting up your model in CURA (we will use an opensource website to download a model and use it as an example) and then learn how to 3D print it!
This basic intro workshop will make you understand more about 3D printing and you will learn how to set up XinFab printers so that you can come and do it on your own next time!
[05.07.2018] Permaculture: Zones, Patterns and Climate
Join the Open session Permaculture: Zones, Patterns and Climate with Wayne Weiseman from the series of workshops from Wayne Weiseman and Rainbow of Hope this 5th of July.
The session is divided into morning and afternoon session (from 09.00-18.00). You can join both sessions or one of them.
Morning Session 09:00 ~ 12:00 - Course Fee RMB 300rmb
This course focuses on the analytical mainstays of Permaculture design and their significance in the context of Permaculture design principles.
-The Zone System
-Design components, and Scales of Permanence
-Sector Analysis
-Observation and Pattern Understanding
Afternoon Session 13:00 ~ 18:00 - Course Fee RMB 600
This course gets a bit more technical but also shares the inspiring insights of projects that have helped to heal the planet and its scars. You should leave with a keen awareness that environmental and ecological problems can be simple to fix with a little understanding and the will to do the work.
-Climate and Micro-climate
-Effect of climate on appropriate design decisions and farming methods
-Greening the Desert, and other short videos
-Plants, Trees, and their Energy Transactions
[06.2018] Help us keep running XinFab | 帮助我们继续运行XinFab
As you might know with great joy XinFab reopened this month thanks to an amazing creative space: DOART, who opened their doors to our FabLab so we had a roof where to stay.
But the road is not that easy, we still have bills to cover and improvements to do in our lab. So we are reaching to all the makers out there to ask for your support helping us to keep running XinFab.
We are launching a fundraising campaign for our lab, and your support will provide to XinFab vital funding to cover our expenses for the next months and especially to improve our space and have more equipment for all you makers out there.
Click HERE to read more about the campaign and how to donate.
Join us on on Saturday, May 19 from 6pm at our new space for a big reopening party.
Presale tickets include one delicious burrito by Dumbo Original and one drink provided by Real Shanghai Bar & Café. You'll also get a free shot by following Real Shanghai on the spot. Tickets sold at the door will not include food or drinks, so pre book yours! Ticket sales will cover the party costs and raise funds to keep the lab running.
Lucio, Xinfab's founder, will kick start the party by telling us about changing his life from corporate CEO to Maker and non-profit entrepreneur. He will share his stories from his adveture sailing on the Atlantic, starting a Fab Lab in Shanghai from nothing and about how he is building a new Farm Lab in the sunny south of Portugal .
DJ Tilaaaa will then rock the turntables and make everyone dance! She is a DJ born in Shanghai, having grown up inmersed in art and music. In 2016 she began to touch various styles of music, and began performing at underground music clubs like Arcade, Dada, Mansion and crazy Lotus Festival. Her favorite styles are: Grime, Clubtrax, Drum'n'bass. Her mixes will surprise you!
WHAT: Xinfab Reloaded - Reopening Party
WHEN: Saturday, 19 May 2018 at 6pm
WHERE: Xinfab - Wuding West Rd 1288, 3rd floor (DoArt Space)
HOW TO JOIN: Alipay - Transfer 60RMB to [email protected] (please indicate your name) OR scan the qr code on the poster with Wechat (you will need to fill out your address, but don't worry, we won't send any drones there!)
[24.02.2018] MARCH WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS | 3月份的车间和活动
These are the activities we have planned for March so far, but we'll surely include more during the month, so follow us on Wechat (add xin_fab or scan the QR code), on Meetup or check our website to stay up to date.
Below are the full details of some of this month's activities. Details for all other events and workshops will be posted here soon (on Wechat and Meetup too), so stay tuned!
这些是我们迄今为止3月份计划的活动。 我们很可能在这个月份包括更多的活动,并且活动可能会发生变化,所以在微信上跟随我们(加xin_fab或扫描QR码),在Meetup上跟随我们或检查我们的网站保持最新。
以下是本几个月活动详情。 所有其他活动和车间的细节将很快发布(在微信和Meetup上),敬请期待!
(THURSDAY, 1 MARCH - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: Humanitarian Innovation, How to create for a good cause?
(3月1日 - 从下午7点到9点) MEETUP:人道主义创新:如何创造为了一个好的原因?
(SATURDAY, 3 MARCH - 2pm to 6pm) INTRO WORKSHOP: Code your own website (HTML & CSS) with Katie
(3月3日 - 下午2点到6点) 介绍车间:自己做你的网站 (HTML和CSS)
(THURSDAY, 8 MARCH - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: Handywomen's Day (Special International Women's Day event - ladies only)
(3月8日 - 从下午7点到9点) MEETUP:女勤杂工日
(SATURDAY, 10 MARCH - 2pm to 6pm) INTRO WORKSHOP: Learn web animation (Processing), Dancing Posters Workshop with Katie
(3月3日 - 下午2点到6点) 介绍车间:学习网页动画(Processing)! 跳舞海报
(3月12日 - 3月24日) ILLUSTRATOR和数字制造密集车间跟Pamela (英语)
These are the activities we have planned for the month of February so far. We'll most likely include more during the month and activities are subject to changes, so follow us on Wechat (add xin_fab or scan the QR code), follow us on Meetup or check our website to stay up to date.
Below are the full details of our activities for the first couple of weeks of the month. Details for all other events and workshops will be posted here soon (on Wechat and Meetup too), so stay tuned!
这些是我们迄今为止2月份计划的活动。 我们很可能在这个月份包括更多的活动,并且活动可能会发生变化,所以在微信上跟随我们(加xin_fab或扫描QR码),在Meetup上跟随我们或检查我们的网站保持最新。
以下是本月头几个星期的活动详情。 所有其他活动和车间的细节将很快发布(在微信和Meetup上),敬请期待!
(SATURDAY, 3 FEBRUARY - 2pm to 6pm) INTRO WORKSHOP: Code your own website (HTML & CSS) with Katie
(2月3日 - 下午2点到6点) 介绍车间:自己做你的网站 (HTML和CSS)
(THURSDAY, 8 FEBRUARY - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: Blockchain, Beyond Bitcoin
(2月8日 - 从下午7点到9点) MEETUP:区块链:超越比特币
(FRIDAY, 9 FEBRUARY - 7pm) Xinfab Spring Festival Party
(2月9日 - 从下午7点 ) 新fab春节晚会
(WEDNESDAY, 14 FEBRUARY - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: Big Data & Love, Is it really a match? (Online dating)
(2月14日 - 从下午7点到9点) MEETUP:大数据和爱情: 真是相互喜欢?
(THURSDAY, 15 FEBRUARY - 1pm to 4pm) INTRO WORKSHOP: Learn 3D Printing (CNY Dumpling Edition) with Jade
(2月15日 - 下午1点到4点) 介绍车间:3D打印 (春节饺子)
Finally, below are our opening hours during Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) Holiday:
15-16/02 (2月15-16日) - 11am-5pm
17-18-19/02 (2月17-18-19日) - Closed (关闭)
20-21/02 (2月20-21日) - 11am-5pm
22/02 (2月22日) - Back to normal (Tue-Sat 1pm-9pm) 回正常时间(星期二到星期六从下午1点到9点)
[31.01.2018] MEETUP TONIGHT: Design Thinking: Can we "design think" life? with Coco Yu & Alex Smith (Wiredcraft)
When:Wednesday, January 31, from 7pm to 9pm
Where: Xinfab - Kangding East Rd, Lane 45, Building no.5, Room 102, Jing'an District
Price:Free for members ***Not a member or your membership expired? Either become a member, renew your membership or get a one day membership (30 RMB) - No need to prepay, just show up!***
Everyone has heard of Design Thinking. It’s a buzzword that has infiltrated almost every organization, big and small. But what exactly is Design Thinking?
During this meetup, we’ll have a roundtable discussion with design thinkers Alex Smith and Coco Yu from Wiredcraft about Design Thinking and what impact, if any, it can have on our lives. This conversation is open to anyone! We welcome creatives, designers, business people, students, and curious individuals who are interested in learning more! Through our discussion we’ll try to touch on questions such as:
-What is Design Thinking?
-How does Design Thinking relate to Human Centered Design and/or User Centered Design?
-What organizations are using Design Thinking?
-What are our personal experiences with Design Thinking?
-What are the benefits of a Design centered mindset?
-How does Design Thinking relate to community development?
-Why should I care?
-How does it relate to me?
Join the fun!
Please follow us on Meetup to keep posted on this and other meetups. Also, that's where you'll be informed if anything changes!
地点: 新Fab- 静安区康定东路45弄5号102室
价格: 会员免费 ***不是会员或您的会员过期?你可以成为会员,更新会员资格或获得一天会员资格(30元) - 无需预付,只需出现!***
每个人都听说过设计思维。 这是几乎渗透到所有大小组织的流行词汇。 但是设计思维究竟是什么?
在这meetup中,我们将与来自Wiredcraft的设计思想家Alex Smith和Coco Yu谈论设计思维,以及它对我们生活会产生什么样的影响(如果有的话)。 这个对话是开放给任何人的! 我们欢迎有兴趣学习更多的创意人员,设计师,商界人士,学生和好奇的人士!
- 什么是设计思维?
- 设计思维与人性化设计和/或以用户为中心的设计有什么关系?
- 什么组织正在使用设计思维?
- 我们的设计思考有什么个人经验?
- 以设计为中心的思维有什么好处?
- 设计思维与社区发展有什么关系?
- 我为什么要在乎?
- 它与我有什么关系?
Happy new year everyone!
After a very busy period, we're taking it a little easier this week. We'll kick it off on Wednesday, January 17, with the second laptop sleeve meetup, where we'll start actually making them. Then, on Saturday, January 20, we're going to learn how to use the laser cutter and learn the basics of 3D printing by making some emoji stamps. Finally, the sign up deadline for the Illustrator and Digital Fabrication Intensive Workshop has been extended to January 20 as well. Do not miss out on the deadline because it's your last chance if you want to join the class that starts on January 22!
经过一个非常繁忙的时期,我们在这个星期采取了一些更简单的方法。 我们将在1月17日星期三举行第二次笔记本电脑袖子Meetup,我们将在那里开始实际制作。 然后,在1月20日星期六,我们将学习如何使用激光切割机,并通过制作一些表情符号印章来学习3D打印的基础知识。 最后,Illustrator和数字制造强化研车间的报名截止日期也延长到了1月20日。 不要错过最后期限,因为如果你想参加1月22日开课的课程,这是你最后的机会!
(WEDNESDAY, 17 JANUARY - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: Heart on a sleeve: Make your laptop a cool sleeve!
(周三, 1月17日 - 下午7点到9点) MEETUP:袖子上的心:给你的笔记本电脑做一个很酷的袖子!
(SATURDAY, 20 JANUARY - 2pm to 6pm) DIY WORKSHOP: Emoji Stamps
(周四, 1月20日 - 从下午2点到6点) DIY车间:3D打印+激光切割印章
(1月22日 - 2月3日) ILLUSTRATOR和数字制造密集车间跟Pamela
Staying in Shanghai for Christmas and New Year's?
We've got plenty going on, so check out our upcoming events for the next couple of weeks and the first half of January:
(周五, 12月29日 - 从下午7点) 新FAB新年晚会
(TUESDAY, 2 JANUARY - 6pm to 9pm) SPECIAL OPEN NIGHT: Engrave your face
(周二, 1月2日 - 下午6点到9点) 开夜:镌刻你的脸
(WEDNESDAY, 3 JANUARY - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: Stitch it up! Fix, Remix, Revive your Clothes
(周三, 1月3日 - 下午7点到9点) MEETUP:把它缝起来! 修复,混音,振兴你的衣服
(SATURDAY, 6 JANUARY - 1:30pm to 5:30pm) DIY WORKSHOP: GIF Mania! Animation + Stop Motion
(周六, 1月6日 - 下午1:30到5:30) DIY车间:GIF疯狂!动画+定格动画
(TUESDAY, 9 JANUARY - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: Pioneers of Digital Fabrication & Open Source Furniture: Anne Filson and Gary Rohrbacher (AtFAB/Opendesk)
(周二, 1月9日 - 下午7点到9点) MEETUP: 数字制作与开源家具的先锋: Anne Filson和Gary Rohrbacher (AtFAB/Opendesk)
(WEDNESDAY, 10 JANUARY - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: Heart on a sleeve: Make your laptop a cool sleeve!
(周三, 1月10日 - 下午7点到9点) MEETUP:袖子上的心:给你的笔记本电脑做一个很酷的袖子!
(SATURDAY, 13 JANUARY - 1:30pm to 4:30pm) DIY WORKSHOP: Photomontage! James Fridman Tribute (Photoshop)
(周六, 1月13日 - 下午1:30到4:30) DIY车间:蒙太奇!詹姆斯·弗里德曼致敬(Photoshop)
Finally, Pamela's Illustrator intensive workshop's 3rd edition will take place from January 22 - February 3, but the sign up deadline is January 13, so don't miss out!
(1月22日 - 2月3日) ILLUSTRATOR和数字制造密集车间跟Pamela
Oh, we're going to have some slightly different opening hours during the Christmas-New Year's period:
24-25/12 - Closed
27/12 - 11am-7pm
30-31/12 and 01/01 - Closed
02/01 - Back to normal (Tue-Sat 1pm-9pm)
12月24-25日 - 关闭
12月27日 - 从上午11点到下午7点
12月30-31日和1月1日 - 关闭
1月2日 - 恢复正常(星期二 - 星期六下午1时至9时)
We're looking for another lab manager to help us keep up. If you would like to work in a relaxed, fun and creative environment, take a look at the job description and find out how to apply.
我们正在寻找另一个实验室经理来帮助我们跟上。 如果你想在一个轻松,有趣和创造性的环境中工作,看看工作描述,并找到如何申请。
Christmas is soon here and so we thought of some workshops for you to DIY some cool little gifts for your loved ones (or for yourself). You can also offer them a workshop voucher and instead of giving an object as a gift, give people knowledge!
圣诞节很快就到了,所以我们想到了一些车间给你DIY一些很酷的小礼物给你的亲人(或者你自己)。 你也可以给他们提供一个车间券,而不是给一个物体作为礼物,给人们的知识!
Check out the dates and click on the links for more details on each event (we'll add more soon):
(TUESDAY, 12 DECEMBER - 7pm to 9pm) MEETUP: "3D Printing - Just a hype?"
(周二, 12月12日 - 从下午4点到7点) MEETUP: “3D打印 - 只是炒作?
(THURSDAY, 14 DECEMBER - 5pm to 9pm) DIY WORKSHOP: Emoji Stamps
(周四, 12月14日 - 从下午5点到9点) DIY车间:3D打印+激光切割印章
(SATURDAY, 23 DECEMBER - 1pm to 5pm) DIY WORKSHOP: iTattoo - Engrave on your phone!
(周六, 12月23日 - 从下午1点到5点) DIY车间:雕刻你的手机!
Lots of things going on in the next week, including our long due housewarming party! Plus, we're going to talk about 3D printing technology and have a Q&A with a guru on the topic, then we're going to play with our 3D scanner too.
很多事情都在下周进行,包括我们这个漫长的乔迁派对! 此外,我们将讨论3D打印技术,并就这个主题与专家进行问答,然后我们也将使用我们的3D扫描仪。
Also, Saturday 25 is the last chance to sign up for the DIY Portable 3D Printer workshop on December 2 and 3. Lucio, Xinfab's founder, will be teaching this workshop and since he no longer leaves in Shanghai and only pays us a visit from time to time, don't miss this chance!
Check out the dates and click on the links for more details on each event:
(SATURDAY, 25 NOVEMBER - 4pm to 7pm) MEETUP: "3D Printing - Just a hype?"
(周六, 11月25日 - 从下午4点到7点) MEETUP: “3D打印 - 只是炒作?
(TUESDAY, 28 NOVEMBER - 6pm to 9pm) MEETUP: "Get Scanned! Let's play with our 3D Scanner"
(周二, 11月28日 - 从下午6点到9点) MEETUP:“3D扫描!用我们的3D扫描仪玩”
(THURSDAY, 30 NOVEMBER - 7pm to until the neighbors complain) Xinfab's Laser Party - Our housewarming party!
(周四, 11月30日 - 晚上7点) 新Fab激光晚会 - 我们的乔迁之喜
(SAT AND SUN, DEC 2 AND 3 - 9am to 7pm) DIY WORKSHOP: MAKE YOUR OWN PORTABLE 3D PRINTER with Lucio (Xinfab's founder) - Sign up deadline on Saturday, 25 November!
(周六 + 周日, 12月2 + 3日) DIY便携式3D打印机车间跟Lucio(11月25日星期六最后机会报名!)
The dates are set. Xinfab's founder Lucio will be teaching how to make a drone and a portable 3D printer from scratch on November 26 and December 2 and 3, respectively. Just click on the workshop titles below for full details and how to secure your spot!
(SUNDAY, NOV 26 - 12pm to 9pm) DIY WORKSHOP: MAKE YOUR OWN DRONE with Lucio (Xinfab's founder)
Also, from November 20 to December 2, industrial designer Andy is going to teach you how to make a 3D model from start to finish with the industry standard software Rhinoceros 3D. To make it fun and easier to absorb the content, we're going to model Beats by Dre headphones. This model will allow you to explore different shapes and commands that you can later use to make your own 3D models. More info on the workshop and how to sign up here:
Finally, next week, on Tuesday, November 14 from 7pm we're going to get together to talk about Assistive Technology and Disability. With more than 1 billion people with disabilities around the planet and the likeliness of any of us experiencing a disability during the course of our lives being extremely high (and on the rise), we figured it's about time we contribute.
More details on Xinfab's Meetup group.
From November 20 to December 2, industrial designer Andy is going to teach you how to make a 3D model from start to finish with the industry standard software Rhinoceros 3D. To make it fun and easier to absorb the content, we're going to model Beats by Dre headphones. This model will allow you to explore different shapes and commands that you can later use to make your own 3D models. More info on the workshop and how to sign up here:
Next week, on Thursday, November 9 from 7pm we're going to get together to start figuring out how build a simple DIY air purifier. With Shanghai's air quality decreasing as winter arrives, we feel like instead of spending many hundreds of RMB on buying a fancy air purifier, we can just do it ourselves since it doesn't seem too hard. If you want to breath safely at home without going bankrupt and acquire some maker skills in the process, join us!
More details on Xinfab's Meetup group.
Also, on Friday, November 10 from 7pm we're going to relax and watch a movie together. It's not a public screening, though. But if you're a member, come and watch Spike Jonze's "Her" with us! More details here.
Xinfab's founder Lucio is still coming to Shanghai very soon, but he had to postpone his trip. We will post the dates here as soon as we have them, but it is more than certain that he'll be teaching how to make a drone and a portable 3D printer from scratch. Just click on the workshop titles below for full details and how to prebook your spot. If you're interested, just send us an e-mail and we'll put on you on top of our waiting list and as soon as we have a date and time, you'll get the chance to sign up first.
(DATE TBD - Full day workshop) DIY WORKSHOP: MAKE YOUR OWN DRONE with Lucio (Xinfab's founder)
On Saturday, October 21, Katie Chen is going to teach how to code a website from scratch using HTML and CSS. With this introduction to web coding, you will be able to create a basic portfolio website that you can then customize and expand upon. The coding skills you will learn are useful even if you have your website on free platforms like wordpress or wix. More info on the workshop and how to sign up here:
From October 31 to November 11, Pamela is going to teach how to use Adobe Illustrator, following the success of last month's intensive workshop. We're going to keep the launch's pricing for this edition so if you missed it last time, make sure you join this one!
Xinfab's founder Lucio is still coming to Shanghai very soon, he had to postpone his trip to November. We will post the dates here as soon as we have them, but it is more than certain that he'll be teaching how to make a drone and a portable 3D printer from scratch. Just click on the workshop titles below for full details and how to prebook your spot.
(DATE TBD - Full day workshop) DIY WORKSHOP: MAKE YOUR OWN DRONE with Lucio (Xinfab's founder)
Last but not least, the Vertical Farm Meetup is moving forward. We got together to figure out how to make a vertical farm and now we are buying everything we need to get started. This Wednesday, October 18 at 7pm we are going to put it all together and start making it! More details on Xinfab's Meetup group.
Join us at Xinfab for a Vertical Farm Meetup this Wednesday, September 27 at 7pm. We are going to get together and figure out how to make one, so if you're intested in the topic, wanna join this experiment or are simply curious, just come by! More details on Xinfab's Meetup group.
Next, if you have no plans and don't know what to do during the "Golden Week" (National Day Holiday), you can come to Xinfab because we are also not going anywhere and we are going to be open. Our opening hours are going to be slightly different than usual: October 1-2 (Sunday and Monday) - CLOSED; October 3-6 (Tuesday to Friday) - 11AM to 6PM; October 7-8-9 (Saturday to Monday) - CLOSED; and back to normal opening hours on Tuesday, October 10.
Also during the holidays, more specifically on Tuesday, October 3 from 10am to 5pm, Pamela is going to be teaching how to make a 3D printed ring. You'll get to learn the basics of Rhinoceros 3D and then print your ring. Click here for the full workshop details and how you can sign up.
Finally, Xinfab's founder Lucio is coming to Shanghai in the second half of October to pay us a visit and show us how to make some cool stuff. He'll be teaching how to make a drone and a portable 3D printer from scratch! The exact dates are yet to be defined but you can already pre-book a spot. Just click on the workshop titles below for full details.
(TBD - Full day workshop) DIY WORKSHOP: MAKE YOUR OWN DRONE with Lucio (Xinfab's founder)
(TBD - 2 days workshop) DIY WORKSHOP: MAKE YOUR OWN PORTABLE 3D PRINTER with Lucio (Xinfab's founder)
***Workshop in English only***
When: September 11 to September 23 (2 weeks), 3 sessions/week (Mon & Wed from 6pm to 9pm / Sat from 10am to 4pm)
Where: Xinfab - Kangding East Rd, Lane 45, Building no.5, Room 102, Jing'an District
Price: Special inauguration price 2000 RMB (Wechat 2010 RMB)
You have asked for it, now here it is!
After many people who joined our intro workshops asked for a more in-depth, intensive course on Illustrator, our favorite and most talented designer Pamela Martello is going to take you through this amazing tool from start to finish. She'll share with you her knowledge and tricks of 9 years of experience with Illustrator.
In this intensive workshop, you will start by getting familiarized with Illustrator, gradually move on to learning how to use its main tools and features, and then get a 2-dimensional design of your own to the finish line. In addition to Illustrator, you will also learn how to integrate your newly acquired vector design skills with Xinfab’s laser cutter and bring an object to life. Finally, if time and everybody’s pace allows, we’ll also give you an introduction to Photoshop. No previous knowledge is required!
Adobe Illustrator is the design industry’s standard for creating vector graphics. With it, you can design posters, banners, logos, websites – in sum, you can illustrate anything you want! By combining it with the laser cutter, you can also create 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects – the only limit is your imagination!
Your dedication is key. We invite you to practice after the lessons with some homework and maximize your takeaway from the course.
Price includes:
// One month Xinfab Membership for you to DIY! (180 RMB worth of credits for machine usage within a month); Material for prototyping
Things you should bring:
// Your laptop and charger
// Mouse (this workshop can’t be followed without a mouse)
// Install Illustrator CC in your laptop (http://www.adobe.com/illustrator)
// *Optional: Install Adobe Photoshop
// Your passion, curiosity, and questions
Some sample images of what you'll learn to do (Pamela made these in only a few hours!)

Examples of how she uses Illustrator (and Photoshop) to create mock-ups of her works

Pamela teaching an intro workshop at our old space

Laser cutter engraving a design Pamela made

_Introduction to the software and its applications
_The basics: interface, create a file, size, toolbars, commands
_File configuration
_Basic tools: Selection tool, magic wand, basic shape tools, arc, segment, scissors, hand and zoom
_Color palettes
_You'll start creating your artwork from scratch
_Pen tool!
_Simmetry and rotation
_Interactive painting
_Shape creator
_Perspective grid
_Live Paint Bucket
_Type tool
_Eyedropper tool
_Gradient Tool
_Image Trace
_How to retrace an image or photo
_Blend Tool
_Add, delete an anchor point (complimentary of Pen tool)
_Color guide from the course
_Project design for the laser
_If time allows: Photoshop!
_Introducing Digital Fabrication
_Understading laser cutting and engraving
_Safety rules
_Learn how to use the machine
_Make your object
// ALIPAY (2000 RMB)
transfer the workshop fee to [email protected] (please indicate your phone number on the payment details so we can contact you!)
// WECHAT (2010 RMB - Wechat charges us a fee)
Enter our shop with your phone via this link and proceed to payment with Wechat Wallet
// CASH (2000 RMB)
come by our lab during our opening hours to book your spot. (You can also just come when the workshop starts, but we cannot guarantee there will be a spot left for you.)
Questions? Send an email to [email protected].
Pamela Martello is a Mexican jewelry designer who has been creating original and stylish 3D and 2D designs for the past 9 years. Jewelry is Pamela's true love, but she has a decade-long love affair with graphic design and Illustrator, with which she complements her jewelry creations.
Pamela is a graduate from the European Institute of Design (IED) in Rome, Italy. She entered the IED through the big door, by winning a design competition and being awarded a scholarship. Upon graduating in jewelry design, Pamela took a graphic design specialization, also at the IED. In her career, Pamela has won multiple jewelry and graphic design awards, including an artwork design award for American Express. Pamela has been creating jewelry in Shanghai for the past 4 years.
Last year, Pamela discovered Xinfab and immediately joined our core team as a volunteer. She loves the laser and the 3D printers and is always experimenting in other fields related to design, where she finds inspiration for her creations. She has also taught many workshops with us. For Pamela, travelling, exploring, and living in different places offers a constant stream of stimulus for new ideas (plus a little fantasy too).
Jade Young is a Brazilian communicator and Xinfab's space manager. Before joining Xinfab, Jade worked in communication for the United Nations (International Labour Organization) and the International Committee of the Red Cross, in Geneva, Switzerland. She created posters and graphics for both organizations during her experience with them. She then complemented her education and experience in International Relations with a Master's in Advertising Design and Communication at the Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, in Barcelona, Spain.
While humanitarian values and non-profit philosophy are her credo, creating is her passion. Jade has loved to draw from a very early age and has been playing with the Adobe suite for over a decade. She has also been into tech since she got her first computer way back in 1998 and has been playing with web coding ever since.
***Jade will assist Pamela during the workhsop and will also make sure nobody accidentaly burns down the lab in the process! ;)
[12.08.2017] Learn 3D Modeling & 3D Printing (Sketchup + Cura) | 学习3D建模和3D打印
When: Saturday, 19 August, from 11am to 2pm
Where: Xinfab – Kangding East Rd, Lane 45, No.5, Room 102
Price: 150 RMB (Wechat 160 RMB - they charge us a fee!)
Join product designer and maker Danny Kuo at Xinfab to learn the basics of 3D modeling (and the perks of modeling for 3D printing) with Sketchup Make and then learn how to 3D print it!
You can then use this knowledge to start making anything, really!
Sketchup Make is a free software that is super simple to use. Cura is also free.
Things you should bring:
// Your laptop, charger and mouse (you'll have a hard time without a mouse)
// Install Sketchup Make before you come! (Download here: http://t.cn/RqWLMmo)
// Please install Cura (version 15.04) too! (Download here:https://ultimaker.com/en/products/cura-software/list)
// Your passion, curiosity, and questions

// STEP 1: Introduction to FabLabs
_Digital Fabrication
_Introduction to Rhinoceros
_Rapid Prototyping
// STEP 2: Introduction to 3D Modeling
_Overview of Sketchup Make
_Introduction to its tools and functions
_Practice building some models
// STEP 3: 3D Printing
_3D printing technology and machines, materials for 3D printing, applications of 3D Printing
_How to judge whether a model is printable or not
_How to optimize the settings for higher quality and faster prints
_Possible problems and solutions
// ALIPAY (150 RMB)
transfer the workshop fee to [email protected] (please indicate your phone number on the payment details so we can contact you!)
// WECHAT (160 RMB)
Enter our shop with your phone via this link and proceed to payment with Wechat Wallet
// CASH (150 RMB)
Come by Xinfab 1 day before the workshop at the latest to book your spot.
Questions? Send an email to [email protected].
Danny Kuo is a Dutch designer based in Shanghai. He will be teaching the fabrication part of the workshop, where you will learn how to 3D print models. Danny currently works at Opendesk and has been a passionate volunteer at Xinfab since 2015. As a designer, Danny is concerned about how technological progress is changing our reality. With conscious design thinking, Danny aims to improve lives through his products and offer something everyone can enjoy.
时间::8月19日星期六,11:00 - 14:00
地点: 新Fab - 上海市静安区康定东路45弄5号102室(近泰兴路)
价格: 150元 (微信价格160元-它向我们收取费用)
加入产品设计师和制造商Danny Kuo,通过Sketchup Make学习3D建模的基础知识(以及3D打印建模的优点),然后学习如何3D打印!
Sketchup Make是一款超级简单的免费软件。 Cura也是免费的。
// 笔记本电脑及其充电器
// 滑鼠 (你没有的话,对你不方便)
// 请先安装好Sketchup Make软件(下载地址:http://t.cn/RqWLMmo)
// 请先安装好Cura(version 15.04) 软件(下载地址:https://ultimaker.com/en/products/cura-software/list)br />
// 你的热情、好奇心和问题
// 第1步:FabLab介绍
// 第二步:3D建模软件介绍
// 第三步: 3D打印
// 支付宝 (150元)
车间费转移到[email protected](请在付款明细上注明您的电话号码,以便我们与您联系!)
// 微信 (160元)
// 现金 (150元)
有问题? 不能通过支付宝付款? 发送电子邮件到 [email protected].
Danny Kuo是一位上海的荷兰设计师。 他目前在Opendesk(开桌)工作,自2015年以来一直是新fab的一个热情的志愿者。 作为设计师,Danny关注技术进步如何改变我们的现实。 有了有意识的设计思维,丹尼旨在通过他的产品改善生活,并提供每个人都可以享受的东西。
[05.08.2017] XINFAB IS BACK! | 新FAB回来了!
That's right, everyone. We are back!
From this Tuesday on, you are all welcome to come by and check out our new home, although we are still setting up a few things. Our friend, Xinbang Laser (no joke here, it's the laser's real brand name!), is not fully operational yet, but you can already 3D print, use our new space and all of our other tools and machines too.
We'll organize workshops again really really soon and also a big opening party, of course. But no need to wait for that to come by and say hi!
We're waiting for you at Kangding East Rd, Lane 45, Building 5, Room 102 (near Taixing Rd), Jing'an District.
Huanying guanlin Xinfab!
大家好。 我们回来了!
从这个星期二开始,我们欢迎你们来参观我们的新家,尽管我们还在设置一些事情。 我们的朋友机关切割机,还没有完全运行,但是你可以已经3D打印,使用我们的新空间和所有其他工具和机器。
当然,我们也将尽快组织讲习班,也是一个大型的开幕式。 但是没有必要等待这个来嗨!

[21.07.2017] WE'VE MOVED! | 我们搬家了!
Free again, at last!
We just moved in into our new location, landlord mafan-free!
In the next coming days, we'll be organizing our new home and we hope to be ready in early August. As soon as we're all settled, in we'll post our new address here and on Wechat.
Stay tuned!
啊啊自由感觉如此好! 我们在一个新的位置,原来的房东不会再麻烦我们了!
我们希望8月初欢迎你。 一旦我们的门再次开放,我们将在微信发布新的地址。
[02.07.2017] WORKSHOPS SATURDAY 08 JULY 2017
During this workshop where you will learn how to engrave any image you want using our laser. This time you will engrave on a notebook you will then take home with you, but the technique you will learn can actually be used to engrave on other materials or even just transform, for example, a hand drawing you made into a digital one.
When: Saturday, 8 July, 10am-1:30pm
Price: 200RMB
(2pm-5pm) LEARN 3D MODELING & RAPID PROTOTYPING (SKETCHUP) | 入门3D建模和快速原型制作(SKETCHUP) with Yuruky
Join Yuruky at Xinfab to learn the basics of 3D modeling with Sketchup Make, so that you can start shaping your ideas into an actual object.
When: Saturday, 8 July, 2pm-5pm
Price: 150RMB
Transfer the workshop fee to us via Alipay [email protected]. Please indicate your name, phone no and which workshop you'll join on your payment. You can also send us an e-mail to [email protected] to confirm it. If you can't use Alipay, please just send as e-mail!
通过支付宝 [email protected]将车间费转移给我们。 请注明你的名子,手机号码和车间名你在付款时。 你也可以发送电子邮件至[email protected]以确认。 如果你不能使用支付宝,请发邮件作为电子邮件!
Do you have plenty of ideas to make things, but don't know how to or just don't have the space or the tools? Then Xinfab is the place for you! Come by anytime between 6 and 9pm this Tuesday to check out our space, find out what Xinfab is about, and learn how to become a member if you’re not yet a Xinfabber.
Everyone is welcome!
你有很多想法创造的东西,但不知道如何或只是没有空间或工具? 那么新fab就是你的地方! 在本周二下午6点到9点之间,来看看我们的空间,找出什么是新fab是什么,并学习如何成为会员,如果你还不是一个新fabber。
This Saturday, June 24, Xinfab is joining the fun at the World Cup 8's Summer Festival.
The second edition of the international tournament will take place from 9am until 10pm at the Jing'An District Workers Stadium, Changhua Road 888.
This year, besides the football fun, there'll be tons of other activties going on, including 3D printing with us!
Click here for more info on the event and on how you can join the fun too.
See you there!
今年,除了足球的乐趣之外,还会有大量的其他活动,包括和我们新 Fab 3D打印!
Xinfab will be closed during the Dragon Boat Festival (28-30 May), but we're back to normal right after it, on Wednesday, 31 May.
Our Open Night is always held on Tuesdays, but will be held exceptionally on Wednesday, 31 May because of the holiday.
In the meantime, check out our upcoming workshops for the first couple of weeks of June:
(03.06.2017 - 10am-2pm) 3D PRINT YOUR JEWELRY (PART 1: RHINO 3D INTRO)| 3D打印您的首饰 (第1部分:RHINO 3D 介绍) - ENGLISH ONLY with Pamela
This is part one of a two-part workshop. During part one, you will learn basic tools to create a ring with Rhinoceros 3D. During part two, you will learn how to 3D print your model. You can choose to join both or either.
When: Saturday, 3 June, 10am-2pm
Price: 200RMB
(03.06.2017 - 3pm-6pm) INTRO WORKSHOP: FUSION 360 (3D MODELING) | 简介车间: Fusion360(3D建模) with Yuruky
When: Saturday, 3 June, 3pm-6pm
Price: 150RMB
(03.06.2017 - 11am-2pm) 3D PRINT YOUR JEWELRY (PART 2: 3D PRINTING)| 3D打印您的首饰 (第2部分:3D打印) - ENGLISH ONLY with Pamela
This is part two of a two-part workshop. During part two, you will learn how to 3D print your ring. If you only join this part you will get to print one of Pamela's design (no modification, no customization).
When: Saturday, 10 June, 11am-2pm
Price: 150RMB
(10.06.2017 - 3pm-6pm) LEARN 3D PRINTING & PRINT YOUR OWN MODEL | 学习3D打印和打印您自己的模型 with Yuruky
When: Saturday, 10 June, 3pm-6pm
Price: 150RMB
Transfer the workshop fee to us via Alipay [email protected]. Please indicate your name, phone no and which workshop you'll join on your payment. You can also send us an e-mail to [email protected] to confirm it. If you can't use Alipay, please just send as e-mail!
通过支付宝 [email protected]将车间费转移给我们。 请注明你的名子,手机号码和车间名你在付款时。 你也可以发送电子邮件至[email protected]以确认。 如果你不能使用支付宝,请发邮件作为电子邮件!
Do you have plenty of ideas to make things, but don't know how to or just don't have the space or the tools? Then Xinfab is the place for you! Come by anytime between 6 and 9pm this Tuesday to check out our space, find out what Xinfab is about, and learn how to become a member if you’re not yet a Xinfabber.
Everyone is welcome!
你有很多想法创造的东西,但不知道如何或只是没有空间或工具? 那么新fab就是你的地方! 在本周二下午6点到9点之间,来看看我们的空间,找出什么是新fab是什么,并学习如何成为会员,如果你还不是一个新fabber。
[09.05.2017] MAY 13: DIY Laser cut necklaces, pins & earrings | DIY激光切割项链,别针和耳环
When: Saturday, May 13, from 11am to 2pm
Where: Xinfab - 665,Changhua Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai (DT Space)
Price: 200 RMB
Join our space manager Jade and jewelry designer Pamela for this workshop where you will learn how to make cool necklaces, pins or earrings yourself.
You will learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator, a powerful 2D design software with which we will show you how we create the shapes, then you'll learn how to use Xinfab's Universal laser cutter and cut your final product. The combination of these skills open the doors of a world of possibilities and ideas that go way beyond jewelry design.
***Workshop in English only***
When: From May 15 - 20, from 1h30pm to 5h30pm
Where: Xinfab - 665,Changhua Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai (DT Space)
Price: 2000 RMB
In this intensive 1 week workshop we will take you through the whole design process, including analysis, concept design, 3d modelling, visualization and fabrication. No previous knowledge of Rhinoceros is required!
It is ideal for beginners, students and professionals of any design field who need to quickly improve their design skills and catch up with the latest digital design technologies.
You will learn not only the principles for a complete design process, but also the tricks and tips of an experienced designer who has used Rhinoceros as his main tool to create hundreds of projects of different scales and fields for over 10 years.
We will focus on design methodologies and techniques applied to product design, architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. This workshop will give you the tools to expand your creativity and enhance your productivity by using one of the international design industry standards, Rhinoceros, theworld's most versatile 3D modelling software.
Price includes:
// One month Xinfab Membership for you to DIY! (180 RMB worth of credits for machine usage within a month)
Things you should bring:
// Your laptop and charger
// Mouse (this workshop can’t be followed without a mouse)
// Install Rhinoceros 3d in your laptop (Windows recommended) (https://www.rhino3d.com/)
// Your passion, curiosity, and questions

// DAY 1
_Introduction to Digital Technologies
_Introduction to Rhinoceros
_2D drafting
_3D drafting
_Model organization
// DAY 2
_Introduction to 3d geometry
_2D transformations
_2D patterns
_3D transformations
// DAY 3
_Introduction to digital fabrication
_2D to 3D, 3D to 2D
_3D patterns
_3D structures
_3D panelling
// DAY 4
_Introduction to Visualization and Portfolio Design
_Customized visualizations
_texture mapping
_renders (Vray)
_exporting/importing techniques
_3D panelling
// DAY 5
_Project design
_Introduction to Xinfab machines
_Project optimization
_Project documentation
// DAY 6
_Fabrication day!
_3D printing with Danny Kuo
_Laser cutting (*if schedule allows)
transfer the workshop fee to [email protected] (please indicate your phone number on the payment details so we can contact you!)
Enter our shop with your phone via this link and proceed to payment with Wechat Wallet
Questions? Send an email to [email protected].
Ignacio Lopez Buson is an architect with over ten years of international experience working in Europe and Asia, managing and leading multi-disciplinary teams with a focus on computational tools applied to design, architecture, landscape architecture and master planning. In 2014, he co-founded the design collective MAPS (Methods for the Architecture of Patterns and Systems) in Shanghai, specializing in developing innovative design solutions for human-natural systemintegration at all scales.
He embraces the use of digital technologies and is an expert in applying them throughout the entire design process, from analysis and concept design to digital fabrication and visualization. Ignacio has led international courses and workshops related to methodologies for generative and parametric design, including teaching and guest critic positions at the London based Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA), IaaC Summer School, Shanghai AAVisiting School Program, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Tongji University in Shanghai and Turenscape Academy in Huangshan.
Danny Kuo is a Dutch designer based in Shanghai. He will be teaching the fabrication part of the workshop, where you will learn how to 3D print models. Danny currently works at Opendesk and has been a passionate volunteer at Xinfab since 2015. As a designer, Danny is concerned about how technological progress is changing our reality. With conscious design thinking, Danny aims to improve lives through his products and offer something everyone can enjoy.
Check out our workshops upcoming this Saturday:
(22.04.2017 - 1pm-3pm) Learn laser cutting and the basics of Illustrator| 介绍激光切割+Illustrator with Jade
When: Saturday, 22 April, 13h00-15h00
Price: 100RMB
More info here.
(22.04.2017 - 4pm-6pm) Build your web (HTML,CSS basics) | ENGLISH ONLY! with We Code
When: Saturday, 22 April, 16h00-18h00
Price: 100RMB
More info here.
Send an email with your name and contact info (phone no, Wechat) to [email protected] or scan the Wechat QR codes for each workshop in the links above.
Do you have plenty of ideas to make things, but don't know how to or just don't have the space or the tools? Then Xinfab is the place for you! Come by anytime between 6 and 9pm this Tuesday to check out our space, find out what Xinfab is about, and learn how to become a member if you’re not yet a Xinfabber.
Everyone is welcome!
你有很多想法创造的东西,但不知道如何或只是没有空间或工具? 那么新fab就是你的地方! 在本周二下午6点到9点之间,来看看我们的空间,找出什么是新fab是什么,并学习如何成为会员,如果你还不是一个新fabber。
April is already busier than March! Check out our workshops for the next two weeks:
(08.04.2017) Learn 3D Printing and Print your own model | 学习3D打印和打印您自己的模型 with Danny
When: Saturday, 8 April, 13h00-15h00
Price: 100RMB
More info here.
(15.04.2017)DIY High-end leather wallet & card holder | DIY高端真皮钱包和卡套 with Tony
When: Saturday, 15 April, 13h00-16h00
Price: 300RMB
More info here.
(15.04.2017)Create your own acrylic ring! | 创建自己的亚克力环! with Pamela
When: Saturday, 15 April, 16h30-19h30
Price: 220RMB
More info here.
Send an email with your name and contact info (phone no, Wechat) to [email protected] or scan the Wechat QR codes for each workshop in the links above.
Do you have plenty of ideas to make things, but don't know how to or just don't have the space or the tools? Then Xinfab is the place for you! Come by anytime between 6 and 9pm this Tuesday to check out our space, find out what Xinfab is about, and learn how to become a member if you’re not yet a Xinfabber.
Everyone is welcome!
你有很多想法创造的东西,但不知道如何或只是没有空间或工具? 那么新fab就是你的地方! 在本周二下午6点到9点之间,来看看我们的空间,找出什么是新fab是什么,并学习如何成为会员,如果你还不是一个新fabber。
Create your own acrylic ring! | 创建自己的亚克力环!
When:Saturday, April 1, from 2pm to 4h30pm
Where: Xinfab - 665,Changhua Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai (DT Space)
Price: 200 RMB
Join jewerly designer Pamela for this workshop where you will create your very own acrylic ring!
Aside from taking home a ring you will make yourself, you will learn some basics of Adobe Illustrator, how to use Xinfab's Universal laser cutter, and how to bend acrylic. The combination of these skills open the doors of a world of possibilities and ideas that go way beyond jewerly design.
FOR MORE INFO ON WORKSHOP SCHEDULE AND HOW TO SIGN UP GO HERE: http://www.xinfab.com/post_ws01042017.html
DIY Design T-shirts, bags, whatever you want! (Screen printing) | DIY设计T恤,包,任何你想要的(丝网印刷)- 英语 (老师不说汉语)
When:Sunday, March 19, from 2pm to 4pm
Where: Xinfab - 665,Changhua Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai (DT Space)
Price: 175 RMB
Tired of wearing the same as everyone? You have ideas to customize your own t-shirt, hoodie, bag, or even a poster but don’t know how to make it?
At Xinfab, you can learn how to do that using the screen printing technique. You will create a color using pigments and ink base, and print your own design on a variety of flat items: paper, tee-shirt, hoodie, canvas bag, whatever you want! Bring your own object and then take it back home with your image printed on it.
You should send us:
// Your design 3 days prior to the workshop at the latest
// The image needs to be 1 color and fit in a A3 page (42cm x 29.7cm)
// File format: JPG, PNG, AI and PDF are all ok
*The soonest you send us your design, we can analyze it and let you know if it’s OK for printing or if needs to be fixed.
**We will prepare the screens in advance, so we need your file first.
Things you should bring:
// We will provide A2 paper, but if you wish you should bring your own blank t-shirt, bag, etc.
// The item needs to have a flat area at least as large as your image
// If it is textile, prefer cotton (No plastic or vinyl, etc. It can work, but the results might not be as good)
// Your passion, curiosity, and questions
Price includes:
// 75 RMB for material (screen, ink – if you want to take your screen with your design home with you, you can purchase it for 250 RMB)
// 100 RMB for teacher’s fee
FOR MORE INFO ON WORKSHOP SCHEDULE AND HOW TO SIGN UP GO HERE: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zh7deIc8nKcnE5k8G6VZaw
[06.03.2017] Check out our upcoming workshops
March is going to be a busy month! We have a full calendar that we will post here really soon, but in the meantime you can already sign up for these three introduction workshops (no previous knowledge required, just your motivation to learn!):
(11.03.2017) 3D Modeling and Rapid Prototyping (Sketchup) | 入门3D建模和快速原型制作 with Danny
When: Saturday, 11 March, 12h30-14h30
Price: 100RMB
More info here: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HA7rwgmJecucZhrHksW-7w
(18.03.2017) Laser cutting + Illustrator intro workshop | 介绍激光切割+Illustrator with Jade
When: Saturday, 18 March, 14h00-16h00
Price: 100RMB
More info here: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hj297ZPvnkx0xQ-XZaPvpA
(25.03.2017) Learn 3D Printing and Print your own model | 学习3D打印和打印您自己的模型 with Danny
When: Saturday, 25 March, 12h30-14h30
Price: 100RMB
More info here: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3vPlxRoosWrV_HIMUGt5dQ
Send an email with your name and contact info (phone no, Wechat) to [email protected] or scan the Wechat QR codes for each workshop in the links above.
[05.03.2017] Party time: Xinfab goes to Opendesk (special opening hours next week)
Opendesk Shanghai is hosting its opening party this Thursday, March 9, and we are joining!
We are also bringing our good friend, Universal Laser Cutter, with us.
Because we need to warm up first, enjoy the party and then fight our hangover, we have special opening hours for a couple of days:
Wednesday, March 8 - 1pm-6pm
Thursday, March 9 - closed
Friday, March 10 - back to normal (a bit hangover though) 1pm-9pm
3月8日星期三 - 下午1时至6时
3月9日星期四 - 关闭
3月10日星期五 - 回到正常(有点宿醉)1 pm-9pm
[03.03.2017] Notice: Back to normal opening hours | 恢复正常营业时间
We're happy to announce Xinfab is back to its normal opening hours as follows:
Member access:
TUE - SAT - 1pm-9pm
SUN - MON - closed
**Remember to book your machine before you come, or you risk waiting for a long time!
***Some machines are booked for workshops, so make sure to check our workshop schedule before you come.
If you're not yet a member:
Send us an email to [email protected] or join one of our Open Nights to find out how you can become a member.
周二 - 周六 - 1pm - 9pm
周日 - 周一 - 关闭
**记得在你来之前预订你的机器,否则你冒着等待很长时间的风险! ***车间时间一些机器预订的,所以一定要检查我们的车间时间表,你来之前。
给我们发电子邮件[email protected]或加入我们的开放夜,了解如何成为会员。
[23.02.2017] UTSEUS spring semester kickoff at Xinfab
Last evening, Xinfab welcomed UTSEUS' kickoff session of this spring's Innovation in Smart Cities and Entrepreneurship in China programme.
The new students first got familiar with our fab lab and then Rachel Dayou, UTSEUS' UHO2 entrepreneurship course leader, explained to them what they will be learning and making this semester.
We are very happy to have been the student's landing spot in Shanghai!
新学生首先熟悉了我们的Fab lab,然后UTSEUS的UHO2创业课程主任Rachel Dayou向他们解释了他们这个学期学习和做的内容。
Laser cutting + Illustrator intro workshop | 介绍激光切割+Illustrator
When:Sunday, February 19, from 11am to 2pm
Where: Xinfab - 665,Changhua Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai (DT Space)
Price: 300 RMB
Requirements: laptop with Illustrator installed
Learn the basics of laser cutting and Adobe Illustrator with us this Sunday, February 19, from 11am to 2pm!
You will laser cut on wood and take a small custom design home with you.
Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics software that allows you to create your own custom 2d designs and use them to cut and engrave different materials with a laser cutter. This powerful tool allows you to unleash your creativity and make your ideas a reality.
Please bring your laptop with Illustrator installed.
Sign up by sending an email to [email protected]
Limited to 10 people, so hurry up!
了解如何使用激光切割机和Adobe Illustrator与我们这个星期天,2月19日,从上午11点到下午2点!
Adobe Illustrator是一个矢量图形软件,允许您创建自己的自定义2d设计,并使用它们用激光切割机切割和雕刻不同的材料。 这个强大的工具,让你释放你的创造力,使你的想法成为现实。 请带你的笔记本电脑安装Illustrator。
通过发送电子邮件至[email protected]注册
Xinfab Open Day | 新Fab开放日
When: Saturday, February 18, from 15:00 - 18:00
Where: 665, Changhua Road - Xinfab @ DT Space, Jing’an District, Shanghai
Do you have plenty of ideas to make things, but don't know how to or just don't have the space or the tools? Then Xinfab is the place for you! Come by anytime between 3 and 6pm this Saturday to check out our space, find out what Xinfab is about, and learn how to become a member if you’re not yet a Xinfabber.
Everyone is welcome!
时间:2月11日 周六 下午3点到6点
地点:上海市静安区昌化路665号 新fab @ DT空间
你有很多想法创造的东西,但不知道如何或只是没有空间或工具? 那么新fab就是你的地方! 在本周六下午3点到6点之间,来看看我们的空间,找出什么是新fab是什么,并学习如何成为会员,如果你还不是一个新fabber。
We moved! Find us @ DT Space
Xinfab is now located at DT Space, 665 Changhua Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai.
For the time being we are operating in limited hours. If you are a member, feel free to come and make from Tuesday to Friday from 1pm to 6pm and on Saturday from 10am to 6pm. Technical assistance is also limited, so if you already know how to 3D print and laser cut, feel free to use our printers and cutters. Otherwise, sign up for our introduction workshops coming soon.
If you're not yet a member and would like to visit us and learn more, follow us on WeChat for our open days.
As always, follow us on WeChat for further updates. Stay tuned!
Happy making
We are moving!
From December 21 to January 19 and from January 26 to February 2, XinFab is going on a holiday break.
As the rooster crows at the dawn of 2017, we'll be back with a brand new XinFab in our new location: D.T. Space, 665 Changhua Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai.
Meanwhile we have limited opening hours for our members from Tuesday to Friday from 1pm to 6pm and on Saturday from 10am to 6pm.No technical assistance will be provided, so if you already know how to 3D print and laser cut, feel free to use our printers and cutters. Otherwise, sign up for our introduction workshops coming soon.
If you're not yet a member and would like to visit us and learn more, follow us on WeChat for our open days.
As always, follow us on WeChat for further updates. Stay tuned!
Happy holidays!